Monday, July 23, 2012

26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Weeks!

Welp, that was fun. Can I hold my baby now? Do I really have 10 weeks to go? Most days, 10 weeks feels frighteningly close, but the days where I feel not so good, 10 weeks feels like a lifetime of heartburn away. Maybe it's because my organs feel like they're being pushed up my throat. Watch this short illustration. Cool, right? I'm already fantasizing about that end part where my guts can fall back into place.

Sooo for the update:

Baby: Little babins is doing great! At my 29 week appointment her heartbeat had slowed down to 132 bpm, which the doctor said is right on track as it will slow to about 120 before birth. As she gets bigger and bigger, her little kicks are getting super strong, and I can feel little body parts when she's pressing hard against my belly. She usually prefers hanging out on my right side.

Feeling: I was going to just write "fat" but then felt like that sounded a little too adolescent. But seriously why don't any of my clothes fit. Most days I really do feel great and have no reason to complain, but it seems like the third trimester has brought with it some more frequent discomforts, and it scares me to think that it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.

Food: I've had the same thing for lunch probably 10 times in the last 2 weeks. It just always sounds good. It is just brown rice pasta with olive oil, lemon juice and zest, sea salt and red pepper flakes.

My favorite snack lately has been plain greek yogurt with agave and berries. 

Also, I like sugar.

Maternity clothes: My dear mother got me some maternity pants this last week, and I was skeptical about the whole idea, but oh they make those things for a reason. So comfy! Other than the fact that it's blazing hot, I'm actually glad it's summer because the more time I can spend by the pool (that is, not getting dressed) the better.

Just a couple notes to self for future pregnancies:
  • Throw away the Victoria's Secret Swimsuit Catalog. Do not open it. Do not tell yourself you'll just look at the pajamas in the back. Just throw it away.
  • Don't say "ha ha those pants/skirt/shirt look huge" before trying them on. They probably fit juuuust right.


  1. You are quite possible the most beautiful pregnant lady ever! I am so happy for you. Congrats on making it to week 30! So happy for you!


    1. Aw thanks martha- we need to catch up!! I'll try calling you sometime this week so you can fill me in on life as a bean :)

  2. You look gorgeous and I'm so glad for a happy update! Can't wait to meet the little one.

  3. You crack me up. :)
    Especially love the informative video and the part about the VS catalog. You look fantastic and I'm so glad I got to see you last week! See you again soon!

  4. you are looking pretty hot for a preggers lady eating pasta every day... nice job!

  5. You look great!! I'm at 32 weeks right now and I have heartburn up the wahzoo too and absolutely nothing fits - all I want to wear is stretchy pants. It makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. I'm so excited for you guys!!

    1. Ahh yes it is nice to know i'm not alone in the stretchy pants and heartburn!! just blogstalked you and YOU look unbelievably good. fun to catch up on your life :)

  6. Ha Ha you made me LOL again, especially that last comment! That was an interesting video. You look amazing!

  7. Hot Hot Hot mama! Only a few weeks left! She is going to be here faster than you know! But I understand that the days may go by slowly - ;) I sure love you and that baby girl! Yes, throw away VS magazines, in my case, always! hahahaha love love love yoU!

  8. haha I cackled showing AJ that animation. How validating. I am miserable as well.
