Friday, January 14, 2011


Today has consisted of more thesis writing. Here are some entertaining things I looked at during my breaks.

Did you know...

It may be beneficial to open a Chinese Bank Account ?

A man was shot in the head and sneezed out the bullet ?

Britney Spears' new song is great, but these covers are almost better ? (For you, Stephanie)

The Broncos got (another) new coach ? (And that one's for you, Matt)

And check out this neat buy vs. rent calculator from NY Times.

That's all. Oh except for this yummy gluten free pumpkin chocolate chip bread/cake thing. I wish I still had some left.

Okay, I think we're all caught up now.


  1. Loved the updates. The desk post was pretty funny- we've had similar moments.

  2. yeeeees... love the covers!

    ps. you know how home projects go in our house :) you are not alone!

  3. Thanks for all the informative links. :)
    The bread sounds/looks fantastic!
