Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Eden Katherine Morris

Welcome to the world, little Eden Katherine! She joined us on February 5th at 4:16 am, weighing in at 7 lb 3 oz, measuring 20 in. 

She came out a little bruised and scraped from the delivery (which was actually pretty quick and relatively easy). When a nurse commented on it, Matt joked, "Yeah, you should see the other guy!" I was like, "Me....that other guy is me..." 

 We were expecting another dark haired baby, so this wispy strawberry blonde hair surprised us! We still can't quite tell her eye color.

Very tired, very unshowered, but very happy.

 I think it was a balmy 3 degrees when we left the hospital that morning!

We made it home!


  1. Congratulations. She's beautiful!

  2. Sure miss that little mouse! Such a wonderful addition to a wonderful family!

  3. Emily, you are stunningly beautiful, even in a tired, unshowered state! Matt, the pics of you remind me of Dad back in the day. Little Eden, we are so happy to welcome you to our family. (I've shown several people her hair. Fingers crossed that she continues to keep a little of the red in her hair.)

  4. Congrats to your cute family, she is so sweet!
