Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another day another parasite cleanse

We are on day 3 of our parasite cleanse, I'd like to say it's going well, but we have just been so incredibly tired from the herbs we're taking I don't even know how well it's working. I won't post pictures of what we've been eating because it's really not appetizing at all. We're not even entirely sure we have parasites- I'm just convinced I do since I have terrible digestion, and Matt's just coming along for the ride (he's been a great sport). Don't worry, we're under the supervision of a doctor my homeopath friend.
Matt starts his CCIM classes today. You don't know what that is? Me neither, and I've had it explained to me about 5 times. I do know that he gets to leave work a couple hours early two days a week and these classes will help him advance his career. ALSO, he got called to be an Elders Quorum instructor. I am just so proud of him for how hard he works at everything!


  1. Nice to be able to carry your adventure in China with you for so long!

  2. I had no idea you both have parasites. Mark and I had Giardia once. That required medicine though. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Yuck. Hope you're feeling better soon.
