Friday, August 6, 2010

Our neighbors must have finally figured out that our whole building was using their unlocked internet so they took it away! So, after being blessed with such generous neighbors for years, I'll actually have to pay for internet service for the first time ever. It should be installed by next week, and then I'll put up some new pictures.
Well it seemed like this last week was just filled with one embarrassment after the other. To name a few:

  • At Cafe Rio, Matt went to get one last refill and asked me to take the tray to the garbage. I dropped the whole tray of food before even taking a step.
  • In Sunday School, I was given quote #6 to read. I thought the teacher said "Now who has quote #6?" So I said "I do.." and started reading the paragraph. I stopped reading when I realized he was still talking. I guess he said "Now let's turn to Chapter 6". I don't know if that was better or worse than a few months ago when I thought the teacher asked "How does smiling make us feel?" Everyone seemed really serious and quiet so I said "Happy!" No, not smiling, sacrificing.
  • At the grocery store, the bagger said, "Be careful with this bag it's really heavy." Trying to make a joke, I said "Oh I just got back from the gym, I think I can handle it." He said "No..I mean because the bag might break." When I was walking the groceries home from the car, the bag did break, and there went my produce rolling all over the parking lot!

Matt says I don't embarrass him. That's nice of him to say. He doesn't even flinch anymore when I spill something, bruise myself, fall off the couch, etc...
Aaaanyways, we are doing well here, we love and miss you all :)


  1. cracking up here. yeah, can definitely relate!

  2. My goodness Emily you could be a comedian or a very good story teller. Thanks for the laugh!!!
