Saturday, June 19, 2010

18 holes

After weeks and weeks of coldish rainy days, we think the sun might finally stay out. We celebrated by spending as much time as possible outside :)
Matt and I went golfing at Rose Park- my first time doing 18 was a doozy. It was a lot of fun and I might even be improving, even though Matt still put me to shame. A beautiful day on the course...


  1. Of course Jeff sees this and says, "See Emily goes golfing with Matt!!" Haha now I must go do a round of golf with him!! :)

  2. hahah! well I wish we could all go together! It would be nice to have someone there who was a little closer to my skill level :)

  3. haha ya we most definitely need to! It would be fun to watch the boys be all competitive while we, well....lack the golf skills!
